Try Linux systems completely through the browser

DistroTest allows you to directly try Linux and Unix operating systems for free. You can test more than 100 Linux and Unix operating systems online without having to install them. Simply visit the site and choose the distro you like to try.

Try Linux systems in full, directly and through the browser and without any programs. There are no restrictions on the use of public distributions listed on the site. You can use all system functions as you would in your local system. You can install and uninstall any program and you can test any installed programs. Even delete or format the hard disk or system files.

DistroTest offers more than 100 ditros (including various Linux formats and versions). These distributions are classified on the site in alphabetical order to facilitate access to any distribution that you want to try.

Click on any distribution link you would like to try.

Once you click on the Distribution link, you will be directed to the next screen where you can start the operating system by clicking on the System start button.

Now, the system will start up in a new browser window and you can access it from the built-in noVNC viewer.

PS: Please enable popups for this site, otherwise you will not be able to see the noVNC app.

You can use this system for an hour for free. You can test the direct operating system, install applications, remove applications, delete or modify system files. After each shutdown, everything returns to the default settings.

Link to the site

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