Microsoft and Canonical are, according to a reliable rumor out of ZDNet, working together to bring Ubuntu to Windows 10 desktops.
In what is surely an early contender for Linux scoop of the year, the venerable Stephen J. Vaughan-Nichols says we’ll all “soon be able to run Ubuntu on Windows 10.”
Of course it’s not actually the Frankenstein horror that the statement leads you to think of, as SJVN himself notes once the bait of his headline has been digested.
But Microsoft and Canonical are going a little further than you might think; Ubuntu won’t be bolted on as a glorified virtual machine.
It’s already possible to use some familiar Linux command line tools in Windows, including bash, through projects like Cygwin. It’s this that we’ll see furthered.
Canonical and Microsoft have been working together closely for several years on cloud and server. Microsoft is also embracing Linux as a development platform. It released its Visual Studio Code application on Linux last year and recently acquired Xamarin, a company founded by the creators of Mono.
Lower your worn-handled pitchfork, and stop scrawling ‘Embrace, Extend, Extinguish’ on some old cardboard: this is unlikely to be the beginning of the end (based on what we know so far).
Fact is we know little officially about what’s planned. It could be that a few simple UNIX command line tools are made available in Microsoft’s command prompt tool — or it could open the flood gates to (some) Linux binaries running natively on Windows.
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